Thursday, July 17, 2014

Job Title: Professional Job Applier

While in college I was hell-bent on graduating in 4 years. I'm the type of person who gets something in their mind and it HAS to get done a certain way. Looking back, I would have been a professional student since I graduated in 2008 in the awful economy decline. Postponing adulthood would have been a much better choice- living the college life and maybe getting another degree. But, no, I HAD to graduate in the "normal" 4-year plan. And, let's face it, I am a kick-ass person with a lot to give an employer! Well, so does every other person who graduated at the same time and I and individuals before me. Ugh. So, I ended up going to graduate school but it was a mainly online program and so not as fun as on campus.

I love being in an education setting and I loved psychology so I got into School Counseling which is a lot of fun and I love it! All the love! I got an opportunity to get paid for my internship hours in Grand Junction, CO so I moved out on my own for the first time 4 hours from home. The interview was a breeze! Very relaxed and the other Counselors seemed really cool! I left to make he drive back to Denver and got the call and was offered the job! Great start to my School Counseling career! How great is this! What bad economy?? Ha! Stupid me!

A year later I moved back home eager to find a job! I mean, I have experience now, my internship advisor was known in the CO School Counseling world, and I easily got my internship position so this will be a breeze... Oh, Delaine, you fool! I struggled and cried and threw things (yes, I need a better outlet). Anyway, I graduated in 2011 and it took me a few times to get licensed (I truly am a horrible test taker!) but I was on my way. I had a few interviews but afterwards they would always say I wasn't experienced enough for he position. "But, wait, you saw my resume and experience before the interview. Why even interview me when you already know my experience?" The worst was when I was offered an interview at a school I previous worked at and where I did my practicum. I was on vacation in San Francisco at the time I received the offer so I asked to meet a day after the interview but that wasn't an option but I was positive I was going to get this job so Dave and I spent money to change our flight so I could make that interview. Needless to say, I didn't get that job. I was crushed! I made sacrifices and was a previous employee of the school. Moving on... (I'm getting interview experience, right? Silver lining!). Beginning of 2012 (mid school year) I interviewed for a position for a high school about 45 min from me. I rarely feel confident leaving an interview and this was no exception. However, the next day I was offered the job!! Yay!! It was a great job but budget cuts in CO education and seniority in the district screwed me out of my job. I did get a semester of experience though. (Silver lining, again. Trying to stay positive).

And, on the search again...

I kept track of every job I applied to after this. Holy depressing!! I wasn't even picky either. I applied to any and all jobs. Nothing. I was not in a good place. Knowing my personality you would know why. I NEED to be doing something I got my degree in. I'm too hard on myself and I'm working on it.

Fine! I'll do a fun job. New brewery opening in Denver? I like beer. It's a German brewery? I' German! Lovely. Needless to say I got that job. It was fun! And, the best part is that I didn't have to apply day-after-day for jobs!


My husband's company wanted to move him to D.C. and I thought "what a great new adventure" so we moved! It was only a year long position with the possibility of staying longer but have you lived in D.C. after living in CO?? It's rough for me. So. Many. People! So, we decided to move back to CO because it's awesome! (I didn't even mention the jobs I applied for out here but there were a lot and a few interviews but no job offer and not even rejection phone calls or emails. Bad form!) On the search again... I frantically applied for these School Counselor positions around April and May and started getting phone calls for interviews! Six interviews in fact! I haven't figured out why because I was a Nanny in D.C.- no school experience but a D.C. address so maybe that's why??

First job interview was for a College and Career Advisor for a Charter School In Colorado Springs and hour commute from home. Well, since I'm not in CO I had to ask for Skype or phone interviews but being in the technology age that didn't seem to be an issue. Great! During the interview my cat jumped into the screen (the drawbacks of Skype interviews from your home) but they loved it! Thanks, Cat! I didn't really feel confident about the interview so I at least had the weekend to enjoy before the rejection call. I got a call the next day though and  I was offered the job! And I quote "We had more qualified applicants for the position but we loved your enthusiasm." I'll take it! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

But, I kept getting calls for other interviews! I'm an in demand girl! Annnnddd... reality kicked back in and I was rejected and rejected and rejected. But, it was ok because I already have an awesome job! However, I interviewed for a position with my old school district with my Alma Mater working under the same grant as the first job in Grand Junction so I thought I was a shoe-in! Right? Right?? Nope :( What?! Why?! How?! Well, I asked and the huge panel said I gave one statement that they deemed didn't show the maturity they were looking for. Still a little bitter but students and parents really do like what I do.

The point of this post is that I have learned that it's pretty much just luck when getting a job. I showed my personality in all of my interviews and some people liked it and some people didn't. I did learn how to word my answers differently to show the more serious side of me (they'll get my awesome, fun side later. Ha!). I'm entering the professional world a little later than I planned but I learned lessons from all the steps and adventures I've had to get here.

Back to CO I go...  

Job title: Assistant Director for College and Career :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Worst Blogger EVER!

I literally have to be the worst blogger in history! I'm so sporadic, there's no method to my madness, I'm not very funny in writing. But, I guess my life is a lot like my blogging skills: sporadic, fucking crazy, and yes, a lot of cruel humor (that sometimes turns out good but I hate it!).

I want to inspire people or teach them things through my blogs but ya know what? I don't have freaking time or energy to do that. I'm tired and there aren't enough hours in the day. However, I do feel that I have touched peoples lives in a positive way out here in DC. I've met some pretty great people and in a few month when I move back to the God's land (Colorado) I will be sad because they have touched my life too. DC has changed me and I can't tell if it's for the good. I know it's made me more resilient and determined but also less patient and maybe made me meaner. Despite that I think it's good to move away from your home. It does give you a new outlook on your life.

So, I'm moving back to Colorado a little early because I got a job! An actual job that I could have for more than a year! Let me just tell you how excited I am to live in a home for more than a year! Poor Emmy (my cat) has lived in a different home for every year of her life which is 6 places! That's a lot of moving! I want to paint and build a garden.

Here's to a new chapter in my (oops... I'm married now so 'our life') life and returning to loved ones! 

Here's Emmy. She's tired too!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Life in D.C.

My last post was about how excited I was to be traveling to the nation's capitol and starting new. Well, life always seems to keep me on my toes and throw curve balls. I not only didn't get my job with the C.I.A. or F.B.I. but I could barely even get interviews for jobs that I was over qualified for. But, hey I've been there before. I struggled for a few months until I just let go of all of these ridiculous high expectations for myself and just find a job that would get me though the year. I finally got a nanny position with an amazing family and adorable little girl. It's just so great how it all worked out. But of course there was choices that I had to make. Around the same time I got the nanny position I was offered a position at a high school which actually paid well and would build my resume. I thought a while about the two positions but I decided that an hour drive each way and letting down this great family wasn't worth it. I actually got to turn down a job. It came at a time when I needed an ego boost and feel like I was worth while while Dave was making great steps in his career.

I don't want to be the person who bases their happiness in life from their career status but I have to consciously talk myself through it. So, since we're out here for a short while and I didn't want to be miserable the whole time I relaxed and started to just immerse myself in the city.

Here are a few things that greatly helped in the first 6 months of the new D.C. lifestyle:

1. Joined Old City Crossfit
  • We joined this gym before we even moved to DC. It was brand new and we got in as "Founding Fathers" which also locked us in on a great deal! 
  • This gave Dave and I something we could do together.
  • Duh, I've lost weight, built muscle and feel so much better.
  • Probably the most important is that the gym offers more than a place to workout but it's a great community where we built friendships that I'm hoping we'll keep even when we move.
  • I'm learning a little bit of sign language and learning a whole new culture since we have deaf and hard of hearing members who attend/attended Gallaudet University.
2. Take advantage of the proximity to many states
  • We've traveled to places I never thought of traveling to:
    • Asheville, N.C.- Go there, it's a neat laid back city. Go to Wicked Weed and try their Serenity beer if you like pickles :)
    • Deleware- We went to Dogfish Head Brewery and got to see what Deleware is all about. Not much there but still get to mark it off the list.
    • Baltimore- Only drove up there for a beer but def going back for Orioles games.
    •  Planning on visiting Vermont so any recommendations are welcome.
3. Be a "Yes man"
  • Dave and I rarely turn down an invitation to go out to new places and meet new people.
    • We got to experience a Marine bar that's part of Barracks Row which seems to be pretty exclusive. Making small talk with people opens you up to new experiences and gets you out of your comfort zone.
  • At the Great American Beer Fest in Denver I met a Brewer who works at 3 Stars Brewing in DC who offered for Dave and I to come help out in the brewery. Again, meeting new people and I get to stay in the brewery culture that I love.
  • Dave and I participated in medical testing which was a unique experience where Dave and I got to support each other in a completely different way.
  • Everyone wants to come visit and even though the monuments can get redundant I always experience something new with each visitor we get. Plus, it brings CO to DC which I love!
What I need to work on (still and probably forever) is to let go of these high expectations of myself and life and just live it! I enjoy it so much more and experience more positive things that way. I would kick myself if I moved out to D.C. and came back with nothing more than a job. I have stories and experiences, and friends, and smiles.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Appreciate what you have no matter how small it may be

This post is about how I've been feeling over the past years and I go in phases where I'm super happy where life has taken me but the biggest disappointment has been in my careers (or lack there-of). But, I'm not going to focus on that today. I'm making a mental decision to be happy with where I am because life has given me so many new opportunities that I can't keep being depressed about certain aspects in my life when I have some pretty wonderful ones I wouldn't trade any day for anything.

We found this great row home in an awesome neighborhood that we have been living in for a year. It's an end unit, great neighbor, nice, however small yard for the dog and walking distance to great places. Well, the landlord tells Dave about a month and a half ago that he wants to sell it. Ugh, there goes our great place and we have to move again. But, wait! He tells us he'll sell it to us for a pretty great deal for the neighborhood. Now during all this Dave also is waiting to hear about whether or not he got this position out in DC. I like being the voice or reason and taking one thing at a time so we decided to buy the house! Of course 2 days later we hear we're moving to DC! I have nothing holding me here so we're taking this adventure while we're young to live in the nations capital! Really looking forward to it. We're buying this house and moving all within a month!

I have felt stagnant so I'm itching to go ASAP. I've been going on all of these interviews and haven't been chosen for the job and I feel it's God's way of saying "No, you're going to have an adventure. It's time to take a different route than you planned for your life." I think that has been the hardest thing for me. I had this great plan for my life and yes, I've had many wonderful things happen, but it hasn't worked out like I wanted it. I clearly wasn't taking the hints with these smalls gestures God was giving me so he had to make them a little larger like going to DC.

During this time of my plan crashing and burning I get upset because I can't control what's happening and I miss out on all the wonderful little things happening around me everyday. I give control to someone else and I like control so why am I not taking control of my own happiness and living the life I have (a pretty darn good life at that)??

I just read a blog about traveling young and yes, it is expensive and yes, the plane rides are long but how wonderful it is to experience new things and talking with people about what you experienced because I feel everyone wants to travel and they are truly interested in your experience. So, this blog opened my eyes, yet again, to loosen up, enjoy this wonderfully annoying yet beautiful ride of life. Starting with spending all our savings on a down payment and traveling across the country with a 90 lb dog and cat in the back seat to start a new adventure in the capital. So, yes fellow blog writer, travel... but at whatever age and for whatever reason! (And appreciate every little moment)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Giant Slacker!

Ha! I can't help but laugh at myself because I get really excited about doing things and then if it's longer than a few weeks I get bored. Oops. I know a lot of people are the same way so I don't feel as bad. Plus, Holy freakin' busy last couple of weeks. My summer is ending quite nicely! I had one of the better Sundays yesterday. We started out at a football fantasy draft pick at Dave and Liz's, then went to one of Dave's gym friends going away party, went to get Bandit washed by the Denver Roller Derby girls at Prost to benefit both them and the Max Fund, relaxed a bit, and ended at dinner and ice cream with Jackie and Jaime. Packed full of great people and positive feelings! Thank goodness because I'm going to be working a lot this week. Icky.

Last weekend a big group of friends went up to Salida and climbed Mt. Shavano, went rafting, went to breweries and a winery, played outside and just enjoyed a gorgeous view. Again, just great feelings! Then I come back to reality and get screwed over trying to find a job so until them it's serving beer and pizza and setting my worthless masters degree to the wayside.

Back to the book...

I don't remember what we ended on so I'm just going to write a few highlights because I get the feeling people don't care about the non-drama, lovey-dovey crap I write about anyway.

There are a few dares that may be helpful later in our relationship when we do fight or have to compromise but on a random day when we don't see each other its had to do that days challenge. But some good ones that I like are when we do fight we need to establish healthy rules of engagement. So that's always a good thing to have! I said I won't thrown things (don't worry, no things have been thrown at dave) and that we need to use "I feel" statements (Look! My counseling degree coming in useful for once!). I also added that we need to end with saying I love you. I feel it lightens the mood and it's good to still let each other know we love them even if they are driving us crazy!! We got good advice from Dave's cousin in one of our wedding cards which said "fight naked." Very smart! Dave said he's not going to yell and I said he should not walk away (He does that when people don't agree with him).

I'm excited to see what he does for todays challenge which is Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend time with your spouse. He LOVES Crossfit so of course that popped into my mind right away but this is also the last day his friend is going to be there so I couldn't be mad if he went to say good-bye. Even if she wasn't leaving I worry he wouldn't pick to stay with me and go to the gym :( I'm pretty lazy and go with the flow of what Dave wants to do most of the time so I don't know what I would neglect to spend more time with him. I barely leave the house on Mondays because it's my recovery day and house cleaning day. I may have to do this challenge on a different day. See what I mean?! Sometimes these challenges aren't valid when you're supposed to do it. However, I'm still enjoying this book.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Support your Husband (and wife for that matter)

I'm not going to lie, I was over-zealous about writing a blog everyday for this challenge with Dave. Working on the relationship is much easier than finding time and energy to write a blog. But, I'm going to keep at it!

Day 9 and Day 10:

Day 9's challenge was to take the negative list we wrote of the other person the day before and destroy it! It actually said to burn it so I got all symbolistic and burned it. Well, burned half of it and then thought I was gong to burn down the coffee table. After that we were suppose to praise the other person for an accomplishment they have done lately. I told Dave I was proud of him for kicking ass at work and he praised me for putting together our wedding and how smoothly it all came together. I see all these quotes about looking forward in life and that's what today's lesson taught me. I always want to look back and I feel that people owe me things for the wrong they have done to me in the past but that's just giving the past a place in the present and it don't belong here. My happiness and positive relationship with Dave belongs here!

Day 10's challenge was greet your spouse in a way you hope to greet them on a daily basis- smiling and enthusiasm and such. So, what else do guys want to see than a not fully clothed wife? Nothing! Maybe a new playstation but I don't have the funds for that at the moment so Dave will have to settle with just me ;) I'm not going to greet him like that everyday but I do want him to know that I'm excited to see him so a playful hug and kiss will have to do.

So far so good on this first year of marriage. We're having fun with each other and enjoying the more intense bond we have now. When people talk to me about how they aren't ready and how they may never get married because they are happy where they are now I feel bad for them. Granted this is only from my experience and perspective but I love showing the world that I am committed to this guy and this relationship. It truly is a stronger bond and I'm happier in this kind of relationship than any I have had before including the ones with Dave. I have this companion and support for the rest of my life and that makes it feel different. The everyday life stuff is the same but we are connected on a higher level now. I'm proud to call Dave my husband and I couldn't imagine not having him as my spouse. He's stuck with me now!  

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Love is not... (days 5,6,&7)

I missed the last couple of days because Dave and I miss each other when he's at work, I'm at home and when he's home, I'm at work so there isn't a good time to sit down and discuss the days lesson together so we had to kinda join them all in one discussion. Day 5 was love is not rude. Day 6 was love is not irritable and today is love believes the best.

With love is not rude we had to tell each other three things that irritates or makes us uncomfortable. We each only came up with two and I struggled even naming those at the moment. I know there are things that bug me about Dave but they happen in the moment and I will usually get upset, take a breath and/or pout and get over it because I don't want it to ruin the time we are having together.

On the same topic, I vent to my girlfriends about a lot of things and of course relationship issues come up. However, I read this one piece of advice that said "Never talk bad about your husband to other people. Never." and I thought about this and I thought to myself "duh! Why would people do that?" and then I thought some more about it and I realized that sometimes I need to get my anxiety out and that's what friends are for. I don't speak badly about Dave but I do tell them my concerns and irritations which I feel benefits the relationship because I get to vent. If my friends want to judge me and our relationship then they can judge but Dave and I know how we truly are together. This also helped me to understand not to be quick to judge other people's relationships but to be there for support. Adults can make their own decisions (for the most part) ;)

Moving on...

With love is not irritable which the task was a little more difficult to complete. It asked us to act with love and not irritation with more difficult circumstances in our marriage. We haven't had difficult circumstances yet but will keep this day in mind when those days come...

Todays is day seven and the challenge was to write a positive list and negative list about your spouse and tell which list was easier to write and then to tell the other person ONE positive thing off of their list. From what I said before the negative list was harder to write because once I say what irritates me or I get what's bugging me off my chest I usually let it slip out of my mind. Anyway, the positive things about Dave out weights the negatives ones by so many. Those are the things that I focus on on a daily basis. I could just keep writing on that list and that's what the book told us to focus on throughout the marriage because that negative list is like cancer and can slowly destroy your relationship. Plus, who wants all that negative in their life. I have usually a day per month or everyday irritation that seems to want to make an appearance all on the same day and I get exhausted from being pissed off most of the day. So, my positive thing about Dave was his patients he has and he showed it again when I asked him what positive thing I said about him. Oops... forgetful me. His for me was my easy going nature and that I can go with the flow.

On a side note we went to Sassafras and got milkshakes... Delicious!! Do yourself a favor and make it down there to try one! I had the Fruity Pebbles and next time I'm going to get the Capt Crunch! Yum!